Reading is important. Books are our connection with our literature, our language. They civilize us. They make our brains stronger. They h
And if/when you have kids, READ TO THEM. Their future English teachers will thank you. (Seriously, if kids don’t acquire language skills before the age of three…)
Here are some of your selections:
David Sedaris.
The Lost Symbol Dan Brown
Life After Life
Twilight (by far the most often recommended.)
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
Thirteen Senses
Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian (arguably one of the best American novels in the last 50 years); and Outer Dark
Phillip Roth, Human Animal (or Human Stain?)
Jack London, Jon Barleycorn
Upton Sinclair, Cup of Fury
A Math Book (Boo!)
Susan Jacoby, The Age Of American Unreason
The Secret
Mark Danieleweski, House of Leaves
Marching Powder and I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell
Amityville Horror
Here are my suggestions:
David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas and Number 9 Dream
Chris Bachelder, Bear v. Shark
David Foster Wallace, A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again
Robert Boswell, The Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards
Amy Bloom, Away
Tobias Wolf
Junot Diaz, Drown
Alain De Boton
Denis Johnson, Jesus Son
Larry McMurtry, The Last Picture Show
The Soul of A Chef
Antonya Nelson
Lorrie Moore
Andre Dubus (Sr)
Michael Ondaatje, Stuart Dybek The Coast of Chicago, Richard Yates…
Read my friends. And be merry.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
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