Monday, July 6, 2009

For Tues.

While I finish up the mid-term conferences, I want you to develop your working outline.

Based on the information here, Parts of an Argument from the CSU writing center, figure out which parts you will include in your argument and what they will consist of.

Review this, and begin to draft your organization flow chart/detailed outline.

To access the types of arguments I went over in class, click here.

There are others, too, and you can find detailed explanations of them in the Good Reasons book.

For example, if your purpose is to propose a solution to a problem, check out the chapter on proposal arguments.

If you want to define graffiti as art, look at the definintion arguments section. Etc.

I will grade these outlines after you workshop them, and I will grade them harshly. If it is clear that you haven't put any effort or thought into this, instead turning in a superficial and unhelpful outline, you will receive a 0.

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