Thursday, August 20, 2009

Precis Sample

Rhetorical Precis:


Cite: Adams, Sarah. “Be Cool To The Pizza Dude.” This I Believe. 5/16/05. 8/20/09.

Sarah Adams in “Be Cool To The Pizza Dude” (2005) asserts that one should be cool to the pizza dude. Adams supports this claim with four points, the first is that being cool to the pizza dude encourages humility and forgiveness, the she states that it is a “practice in empathy,” then she says that honoring the pizza dude in turn forces us to honor honest work, and finally that kindness to the pizza dude makes us participate in equality. Her purpose in this essay is to show and explain the benefits of being cool to the pizza dude in order to encourage the listener to be more empathetic to the world as a whole; the pizza dude is a stand in for everyone. Her audience is listeners to NPR, who are highly educated, but need to be reminded to be more empathetic; they will find her humorous metaphor of the pizza dude entertaining.

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