Monday, October 26, 2009

Styles of Argument--Presentations

On Thurs. your group will give a presentation on a specific type of (or aspect of) argument.

For this, your presentation needs to be broken down into three distinct parts, which MUST be related in an Power Point presentation.

1) Define and describe your type of argument. What is it? When is it used?
2) Draft a flow chart that breaks this type of argument into its parts. Describe what each part does, how it works, what goes into it, etc.
3) Provide a good example, in flow chart style, that applies a certain topic (ex death penalty, or food safety, etc) to this style of argument.

In class today, you will be developing your presentation. If you don't finish, it is homework.


This to find good info about arguments and examples of various flow charts
Use your book pages, too.
Use google, by entering your style of argument and looking for results that come from .edu sites.

Please turn in your logic assignment today, as well as your focused topic handouts (if you didn't hand them in already). EMAIL ME YOUR PRESENTATIONS BY TOMORROW.